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Mototalk Classified Rules

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:49 pm
by Tall Paul
Please bear in mind that it’s early days for the forum and we are still finding our way with a lot of these rules. As such, things are likely to change and be updated along the way. Any changes will be intended to keep the best interests of the forum and its members paramount.

The chances are as people post more and more items for sale we will split this forum into different sections (Eg: Bikes for sale, parts, gear etc) but for now we’ll keep everything under one heading until the ad’s build up.

  • This forum is for non-commercial sales. Sales by manufacturers, traders, retailers etc are not allowed. We reserve the right to delete ads and even accounts of any member that does not conform to this rule.
  • There is a maximum of 3 live threads/ads per user at any one time.
  • Bumping for no apparent reason or constant reductions of the price just to make your ad appear at the top of the page will get your ad permanently deleted.
  • Once your item is sold please change the thread title to include the word SOLD or alternatively you may delete the post completely.
  • We wouldn’t advise paying people via PayPal Gift, use the normal PayPal. There are no comebacks on PayPal Gift. If someone asks you to pay this way be suspicious.
  • Please be aware that does not accept or assume any responsibility whatsoever for any transactions between members. It is the buyer’s responsibility to take whatever steps needed, to ensure the legitimacy of the advert & transaction. It is also the seller’s responsibility to make sure that anything posted for sale confirms to UK or international laws. Obviously, if anyone is found fraudulently representing goods for sale, their membership will be revoked, but that is as much as we can do. Please do not come crying to us if your deal goes awry.
  • Use your common sense, if a deal looks too good to be true that’s probably because it is. Ask plenty of questions if in doubt.