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Mototalk Forum Rules

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:38 pm
by Tall Paul
Nobody likes reading a long boring list of rules so we’ll try and keep things as concise as possible. Of course in an ideal world there would be no need for rules but we're sure you'll appreciate we need to point out certain guidelines to help keep things in order & running smoothly. By posting on this forum you agree to follow these rules and any subsequent changes that are made.

  • Conduct
    Any member found to be overly aggressive or abusive towards other members (for whatever the reason) will quickly find themselves sitting on the naughty step and, in some cases, banned all together. Please treat people how you would wish to be treated yourself.
  • Language
    We don’t want to be the grammar police, however we expect a reasonable level of the English language from all members so your opinion can be made more clearly. USING CAPITALS for anything other than a brief emphasis is considered shouting and is frowned upon. Please do not try and get around this by using large fonts, constant underlining or different coloured text.
    Please refrain from using “text speak”, it makes reading posts harder to decipher for other users.
  • Advertising/Spamming
    These forums define spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other web sites, or posts with little, or completely unrelated content. Do not spam the forums with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business or forums etc.
    Spamming also includes sending private messages to a large number of different users.
  • Adult content.
    This an open access forum. This means people of all ages are free to view and read the threads, as such absolutely no adult content is allowed. This also includes links to any adult content.
  • Usernames
    We reserve the right to amend or delete any user name we feel is inappropriate.
  • Signatures
    The use of a brief signature is permitted. There is a limit of 100 characters.
  • Links
    Please do not post links to any illegal sites, or sites that promote any illegal activity. This also includes non official streaming sites.
  • Swearing
    Please keep swearing to a minimum. Remember children maybe reading this forum as well.
  • Private conversations
    If you wish to have a conversation with a specific member please use the contact button. Do not start threads trying to get someone’s attention.
  • Duplicate threads
    Before starting a new thread please scan the first few pages of the forum to check the same subject has not already been covered in another thread. You can also use the search facility. If we find duplicate threads on the same subject we may merge the threads or delete as necessary.
  • Avatar
    You can add an avatar to your profile, it must be a maximum of 90x90 pixels. You can resize an image in Microsoft paint very easily.
It is not possible to consider every eventuality in advance. Don’t complain if we pull you up on something that is not specifically listed in the above rules. It is the Moderators job to maintain the spirit of the forum and keep things running smoothly. We reserve the right to change, adjust and delete posts, threads and even user accounts at our own discretion. The final decision in all matters rests with the Forum Moderators and Administrators. All decisions are made with the best interests of the Forum in mind.

The forum is in its early stages of what we hope will be a long & successful life. Naturally these rules will adapt, develop and change along the way. Please check back occasionally to familiarise yourself with any updates.

Above all please try and apply common sense when posting on this forum, if you are unsure about anything you’d like to post or any of the rules above please contact one of the Mods who will be happy to advise you. Similarly if you feel a post has breached one of the above rules or just doesn’t seem appropriate feel free to use the report button to bring it to the attention to one of the mods who can then investigate.

Thanks guys.