FC250 2019
FC250 2019
Potentially might be pulling the trigger on a leftover 19 fc250 at the weekend. Just wanted to know if anyone had any bad experiences with them or know of any issues?
Re: FC250 2019
I don't think you can go too far wrong with one of those. I've got a 2019 FC350 and its pretty bullet proof, I also think the new 2019-on frame makes it handle better than the 2017 I had before.
Couple of things to keep an eye on are: Sprocket bolts, spokes and the upper engine mounts. I had all three of those things come loose on mine and I think its fairly common on the 250, 350 and 450.
Keep the oil changed regular (clean the gauze each time too) and you should be good!
Re: FC250 2019
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/s ... 0436832838